Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Tag "international cooperation"

How Family Cultural Capital Is Related to Study Abroad Participation: Insights from First-Generation U.S. College Students

How Family Cultural Capital Is Related to Study Abroad Participation: Insights from First-Generation U.S. College Students
A recent study by Dr. Radomir Ray Mitic, a 2019 recipient of an IOE SemyonovAward fellowship in higher education research, delves into the intricate dynamics shaping study abroad decisions among first-generation U.S. college students. The research offers compelling insights into the pivotal role of family cultural capital. Leveraging data from the Educational Longitudinal Survey (ELS: 2002), Dr. Mitic analyzes precollege and college-related factors influencing students' propensity to engage in international educational experiences.

Experiences of COVID-19: Cooperation & Competition in Russian Education

Experiences of COVID-19: Cooperation & Competition in Russian Education
COVID-19 has had a swift and ubiquitously profound social impact arguably unseen at any other point of crisis in recent history. As the pandemic marched on, Russian education experienced a hard time settling into the new lay of the land with COVID-induced disruptions defying much of the system’s common norms, standards, and practices.

Anastasia Andreeva, Diana Koroleva, Sergei Kosaretsky, and Isaak Frumin have embarked on a research journey to explore how various stakeholders in Russian K—11 education interacted amid a tapestry of centrifugal and centripetal winds stirred by COVID-19. A chapter summarizing the study findings has been published in Springer’s Schools and Society During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Education Systems Changed and the Road Ahead.

Postdoctoral Fellowships with HSE Institute of Education

Postdoctoral Fellowships with HSE Institute of Education

What ICT Skills Do Graduate Recruiters Seek out the Most?

What ICT Skills Do Graduate Recruiters Seek out the Most?
On Tuesday, June 6, a regular online session as part of the HSE—IOE weekly seminar series ‘Modern Research & Developments in Education’ is hosting an open talk titled, ‘What ICT skills of graduates do employers need?’ by Dr. Jake Murdoch, Institute for Research in the Sociology and Economics of Education, University of Bourgogne, France.

What’s New in Formative Assessment: Insights from US Schools

What’s New in Formative Assessment: Insights from US Schools
Mark your calendars for Monday, March 20 @ 6 pm Moscow time so you do not miss to join an online open talk on formative assessment and how it benefits self-regulated learning skills in middle adolescents by Dr. Angela M. Lui, DAACS Project Manager and Adjunct Assistant Professor, CUNY School of Professional Studies (USA).

Applications for Competition of Innovations in Education Are Open

Applications for Competition of Innovations in Education Are Open
The HSE Institute of Education is the main organizer of the international Competition of Innovations in Education. In addition to the Russian track, the competition is also being held in Kazakhstan, as well as in Armenia and Georgia. Applications are open online until October 21st, 2022. The overall winner will receive an educational grant, while the category winners will receive prizes from our partner organisations.

Exploring School Connectedness as Factor of Adolescent Mental Health

Exploring School Connectedness as Factor of Adolescent Mental Health
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 24, 13:00 Moscow time so you do not miss to join us on Zoom for Session 11 as part of the IOE Fast-track Seminar Series in Education 2022. Dr. Rayna Sadia (Riphah International University Islamabad, Pakistan) will be giving a talk titled, “School Connectedness: An Important Aspect of Mental Wellbeing in Peer-victimized Adolescents.”

World-renowned Authority in Cognition and Education Prof. Howard Gardner to Present at IOE

World-renowned Authority in Cognition and Education Prof. Howard Gardner to Present at IOE
Mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 15 so you do not miss to join a live webcast of a talk titled ‘The Real World of College: What Higher Education Is and What It Can Be’ by Dr. Howard Gardner to be hosted as part of IOE’s ‘Modern R&D in Education’ Weekly Seminar Series 2022.

IOE Invites Applications for International Postdoc Fellowships 2022

IOE Invites Applications for International Postdoc Fellowships 2022
We are happy to announce a Call to fill multiple openings for International Postdoc Fellow available with IOE’s divisions across research domains in education and related fields.

Call for International Tenure-track Faculty 2022 Now Open at IOE

Call for International Tenure-track Faculty 2022 Now Open at IOE
As part of the HSE University Tenure-track Faculty Program 2022, we are now recruiting international academics to fill multiple positions of Full-time, Tenure-track Assistant Professor open with IOE divisions in various strands of educational and social R&D.
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