Young scholars Anastasia Kapuza and Galina Larina, who teach in IOE’s Measurements in Psychology and Education Master’s program, traveled to England and the Netherlands this summer to join international schools for multidisciplinary social researchers at Essex University and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. “The schools have provided a host of insights about today’s top-notch approaches to social data analysis and interpretation, and we are absolutely thrilled to be sharing this expertise with IOE students in the new academic year,” Anastasia and Galina say.
Tag "Reporting an event"

At the HSE Institute of Education, young scholars always strive to advance their competence and community integration by making out the best of the opportunities each summer’s learning & networking agenda affords. This year, IOE analysts Irina Shcheglova and Alexey Egorov took part in international summer schools for multidisciplinary social researchers held in St. Petersburg, Russia and Barcelona, Spain.
On July 10–13, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal welcomed the third meeting of national supervisory groups working as part of the TALIS 2018 secondary education evaluation project. Russia was represented by IOE instructional design & practice experts Elena Chernobai and Daria Tuchkova.

On March 30–31, Paris welcomed a regular OECD meeting of participants in the Education and Social Progress (ESP) international study, which addresses the development of social and emotional skills at school. Russia was represented by a team of experts with the IOE Centre for Monitoring the Quality in Education (CMQE).