On June 5, the results of the semifinals in this year’s KIVO International Education Innovation Competition were announced. Held for the fifth straight year since 2014, KIVO is a joint project between IOE and the Rybakov Fund that aims to support grassroots innovations in learning & development. In 2018, an authoritative expert panel has shortlisted 28 best projects out of more than 500 applications filed. The finalists will first take part in an acceleration summer school to be held in Moscow later this June. The competition finals will get underway in the fall of 2018.
Tag "Reporting an event"

A top-tier cohort of academics in multiple areas of education scholarship will join IOE in Moscow during April 10–13 to present about territorial differences in education at the 2018 HSE April International Conference on Socioeconomic Development.

Researchers at the HSE Institute of Education and University Eötvös Lóránd (Budapest, Hungary) have embarked on a large-scale joint project to explore the factors and mechanisms that drive the inception and diffusion of bottom-up educational innovations.