Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Research & Expertise

IOE Expert Takes Part in International Education Conference in USA

In early March, Senior Researcher with IOE Centre for Higher Education Sociology, Pavel SOROKIN, took part in Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference 2017, which was held in Atlanta, the USA.

IOE Experts among Authors of Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions

An article by IOE Academic Supervisor Isak Froumin and Junior Researcher Daria Platonova has been published in Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions.

IOE Study Featured in International Academic Journal

A recent study by IOE researcher Zumrad Kataeva has been published in the ‘Central Asian Survey’ academic journal.

IOE Study Published in Top-Rank International Journal

A recent paper by Denis Zubalov, an Associate Professor with IOE’s Graduate School of Education, has been published in Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford.

HSE Researchers Benchmark First-grade Performance of Russian and British Schoolers

The HSE Institute of Education researchers have updated the iPIPS school-entry ability evaluation tools to allow for equated benchmarking of primary-schooler progress across countries. The first results have been obtained from a representative sample of Russian and British first-graders.

Examining Educational and Career Choices & Trajectories through the Lens of Culture and Sociology

How are students and graduates adjusting and adapting to the realities in their educational and career trajectories? What role does culture play in the sociology of education? How are attitudes towards higher education changing? These are just some of the many questions being addressed over the course a two-day conference entitled ‘Cultural Sociology and Education: Meanings, Choices and Trajectories’ that is being held on December 1-2 at the HSE Institute of Education in Moscow. HSE News Service has spoken to two conference participants, James Hurlbert of Yale University and Amy Binder from University of San Diego.

Symposium Participants Drawn to Russian Experience

On November 15-16, an international symposium dedicated to childhood and adolescence took place in Moscow in honour of the 120th anniversary of Lev Vygotsky’s birth. Several participants in the symposium, entitled ‘Lev Vygotsky and Modern Childhood’, were especially interested in the unique Russian experience that flowed from the traditions established by the renowned Soviet psychologist.

Symposium Highlights Issues of Childhood and Adolescence

On November 15-16, an international symposium dedicated to childhood and adolescence will take place in Moscow in honour of the 120th anniversary of Lev Vygotsky’s birth. Building on the traditions established by the renowned Soviet psychologist, who made a number of contributions to psychology, pedagogy and defectology, the symposium will seek to promote analysis and discussion of the notions of childhood and reflection on how concepts of cultural-historical theory are used in contemporary studies of childhood and maturation.

Exploring the Governance Paradox in Universities

On October 21 Peter Maassen, Professor in Higher Education Studies in the Faculty of Education at the University of Oslo, gave a presentation at the 7th International Conference held in Moscow by the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers. Professor Maassen’s presentation was entitled ‘The University’s Governance Paradox’, in which he spoke about the contradiction between the development of university leadership and the realities of exercising control in universities.

IoE Methodological Experience of Conducting Longitudinal Research Presented at International Conference in Germany

Leading expert at the Center for Cultural Sociology and Anthropology of Education participated in the annual conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Life-Course Studies. Her report on the Institute of Education researchers’ expertise was welcomed with interest by the international community of scientists.