Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond

Research & Expertise

International Experts Discuss Strategies to Lead the Way in Effective Multi-level Governance in Education

In November, IOE welcomed a cohort of top-notch law & policy experts from the U.S., Russia, Poland, Belgium, South Africa and Germany for the first international conference, ‘Multi-level Governance in Education: Top-down Governance, Transfer of Authority, and Regional Cooperation.’ A joint initiative between IOE and the ‘EduLaw’ (Erasmus+ Mundus – Curriculum Development) project, the event featured multi-prism debate about how more justified central–local power schemas in education can be devised as an important condition for shaping more effective, equity-centric L&D environments.

Exploring Novelty Perspectives in Human Capital Theory and Education

On October 5–7, Hakone, Japan hosted the 2018 Conference of Asia Pacific Sociological Association (APSA), the largest forum for multifaceted social scholarship in the Pacific Rim region. Senior researcher Pavel Sorokin, Academic Supervisor in IOE’s Evidence-based Educational Policy MA, presented at the event about a recent study he carried out together with IOE Head Isak Froumin, which aims to largely rethink the conceptual framework of human capital.

IOE Expert Speaks at International Conference by European Association for Research in Adolescence

This September, IOE research fellow Alexandra Bochaver traveled to the city of Ghent, Belgium to present at the 2018 Conference by the European Association for Research in Adolescence. In her talk, Alexandra gave a recap for a comprehensive cross-generational study of street activities among Russian adolescents.

Exploring Higher Education Landscapes in Federal Nations

An international research team led by IOE has completed a large-scale study that analyzes how higher education systems have been evolving in federal countries. The resulting volume has recently come off the press at SAGE.

HSE Hosts Consortium of Higher Education Researchers Conference for the First Time

145 researchers from 30 countries discussed how higher education systems work on global and national levels, and how they are influenced by the processes of differentiation and integration.

2018 CHER International Higher Education Conference: Firsthand Impressions from IOE Experts

As the 2018 CHER International Higher Education Conference was underway at HSE Moscow during August 30 – September 1, we approached several IOE experts in between the forum sessions to ask about the most interesting topics and areas on the Conference agenda.

What Students’ Membership in Social Media Groups Can Tell about Their Academic Outcomes

A recent study by IOE expert Ivan Smirnov shows that students’ academic achievement can be predicted from their ‘digital traces.’

IOE Experts Speak at 2018 WERA Congress in South Africa

On August 3–5, South Africa’s Cape Town welcomed over 500 leading academics from 62 countries for the 2018 Global Congress of World Education Research Association (WERA), the largest international venue for multidisciplinary educational scholarship and networking. IOE researchers Pavel Sorokin, Sergey Kosaretsky and Roman Zvyagintsev were also presenting at this year’s WERA event.

IOE to Partner with Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

IOE to Partner with Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
This July, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between IOE and Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (KazNPU). In accordance with the agreement, the parties will jointly embark on a multifaceted, high-scope agenda in R&D areas central to IOE’s academic profile.

Twenty-five Years of Change in Post-Soviet Education

Last week’s round-up of World University News features Lucas Bischof taking on the newly released volume, 25 Years of Transformations of Higher Education Systems in Post-Soviet Countries: Reform and Continuity.