Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond


International Summer Schools 2017: A Fascinating Journey of Learning and Discovery

At the HSE Institute of Education, young scholars always strive to advance their competence and community integration by making out the best of the opportunities each summer’s learning & networking agenda affords. This year, IOE analysts Irina Shcheglova and Alexey Egorov took part in international summer schools for multidisciplinary social researchers held in St. Petersburg, Russia and Barcelona, Spain.

IOE Experts Take Part in TALIS 2018 International Consortium Meeting in Lisbon

On July 10–13, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal welcomed the third meeting of national supervisory groups working as part of the TALIS 2018 secondary education evaluation project. Russia was represented by IOE instructional design & practice experts Elena Chernobai and Daria Tuchkova.

IOE Expert Ivan Smirnov Explores Correlations between Social Media Texting Style and Academic Performance

A recent study by IOE expert Ivan Smirnov, which investigates linkages between social media texting practices and user literacy, has been published in a multidisciplinary academic repository by the Cornell University Library.

Why High-performing Peer Groups Can Undermine Student Success

Why High-performing Peer Groups Can Undermine Student Success
Being part of a very capable class at school can undermine some students' self-esteem and academic achievement.

IOE Hosts Vth International Summer School on Higher Education Research

IOE Hosts Vth International Summer School on Higher Education Research
In mid-June 2017, the town of Pushkin near St. Petersburg, Russia welcomed the Fifth International Summer School on Higher Education Research, a joint initiative between the HSE Institute of Education and Peking University’s China Institute for Educational Finance Research. This year, the Summer School focused on higher education and social inequality.

IOE to Cooperate with Boston College’s Lynch School of Education

A memorandum of cooperation has recently been signed between IOE and the Lynch School of Education at Boston College (the USA), a top 50 institution in the QS WU Rankings by Subject.

Rethinking Talent, Skills and Education in the Age of Disruptive Change

In June 2017, IOE welcomed a two-day seminar of the International Academic Consortium working as part of the landmark Key Competencies and New Literacy project, a joint initiative between IOE and Sberbank’s Investment in Future charity foundation. Dr. Jarkko Hautamäki, Emeritus Professor at the University of Helsinki (Finland), took part in the seminar to present about global 21st century skills agenda and Finnish experience in tailoring national education systems to better meet new literacy challenges. In an interview following the seminar sessions, Dr. Hautamäki shared some deeper perspectives on the role of talent upgrades in today’s era of rapid technological advancements and network economy.

International Consortium Discusses 21st Century Skills Agenda in School-age Learning Environments

International Consortium Discusses 21st Century Skills Agenda in School-age Learning Environments
On June 5–6, the HSE Institute of Education welcomed a seminar by the International Academic Consortium working as part of the Key Competencies and New Literacy project, a joint initiative between IOE and Sberbank’s Investment in Future foundation.

Exploring Inequality through the Prism of Lifelong Learning Paths

Since 2012, the HSE Institute of Education has participated in a large-scale international research project, eduLIFE, which aims to give deeper and more conclusive insights into inequality by tracking education life-courses in modern societies.

IOE Researchers Contribute to Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions

IOE experts Isak Froumin and Farida Zagirova have recently contributed a chapter on the modern system of higher education in Russia to Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, edited by Jung Cheol Shin and Pedro Teixeira.