Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond


Norwegian Professor to Discuss Latest Trends in Higher Education Research at Upcoming Conference

Professor Bjørn Stensaker, who teaches in the Department of Education at the University of Oslo, will be the plenary speaker at the 8th International Conference on Higher Education Research organized by the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers in Moscow. The conference is due to take place October 19-21. In a recent interview with the HSE News Service, Professor Stensaker spoke about his latest research and the trends he sees in higher education, including the growing role of technology.

KIVO Education Innovation Competition Announces Winners for 2017

The winners are ‘d notation’, an app for imputing sheet music and learning music notation on smartphones, tablets and interactive whiteboards (St. Petersburg), and Dysgraph, an online service to diagnose and treat dysgraphia in children (Krasnoyarsk).

Immeasurable Hardiness of Character

Immeasurable Hardiness of Character
What is 'grit' all about, and why do we need to take a fresh perspective on it? These questions are addressed in a recent study by IOE experts Yulia Tyumeneva, Elena Kardanova and Julia Kuzmina.

IOE Academics Recognized for High-impact Research

A cross-country benchmarking of student achievement gains in vocational versus general secondary tracks, which was published by IOE experts Julia Kuzmina and Martin Carnoy in 2016, has received a 2017 Highly Commended Award from Emerald’s International Journal of Manpower.

Academic Performance Shapes Student Social Networks

Academic Performance Shapes Student Social Networks
Based on data from the VKontakte social network, researchers have found a relationship between students' academic performance and their closest social environment.

Helsinki Welcomes Seminar by International 21st Century Skills Consortium

On September 15–16, 2017, the University of Helsinki, Finland, welcomed the second seminar by the International Academic Consortium working as part of the Key Competencies and New Literacy project, a joint initiative between IOE and Sberbank’s Investment in Future foundation.

Analyzing Universities in Multilateral Political Contexts

In late August 2017, the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, welcomed the 30th International Conference by the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER). This year, the forum’s special topic was ‘Universities as Political Institutions – HEIs in the Middle of Academic, Economic, and Social Pressures.’ IOE experts Farida Zagirova and Alexey Egorov were presenting at the CHER Annual Conference 2017 about the changing job profiles of university middle managers and the role of HEIs in bolstering community development.

HSE and China’s National Institute of Education Sciences Launch Joint Research Project

HSE and China’s National Institute of Education Sciences Launch Joint Research Project
Russian and Chinese researchers will join forces to study the two countries’ education systems and develop possible strategies for their further modernisation over the period to 2030, in a new joint project set to run for a decade.

IOE Legal Expert Maria Smirnova Begins Service with the UN

In early September 2017, Senior Researcher at the IOE Center for Education Law Maria Smirnova, PhD, began her term as an Associate Officer with the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights Administration. Maria’s role involves supporting the organization and holding of the 36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, during September 11–29, 2017.

Exploring Academic Momentum and Undergraduate Student Attrition

A study co-authored by IOE analyst Elena Gorbunova and Ohio University research fellows Olga Kondratjeva and Joshua Hawley has been published in the latest issue of Comparative Education Review.