Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond


IOE Experts among Authors of Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions

IOE experts Isak Froumin and Dmitry Semyonov have recently contributed an entry on the development of Russian university traditions to Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, edited by Jung Cheol Shin and Pedro Teixeira.

Prioritizing Education Law Agenda to Better Deliver on Global Sustainability Goals

Prioritizing Education Law Agenda to Better Deliver on Global Sustainability Goals
Dr. Jan de Groof, a world-renowned authority on international & comparative education law who is Professor with the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and Tilburg University (the Netherlands), and also heads the European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA), has recently joined the HSE Institute of Education as Academic Supervisor with the Centre for Education Law. During his recent visit to Moscow, we talked to Dr. de Groof about today’s top-priority education law agenda and the way multiple stakeholders’ commitments to striking a better balance in education rights help carve out more robust paths to global sustainability.

An Exciting Journey of Discovery

Dr Elyssebeth Leigh, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of Technology, Sydney – Australia will be visiting HSE Moscow to give lectures and take part in discussions at the HSE Institute of Education on May 15-19, 2017. She has been working for over 30 years as an educator and learning designer in workplaces and academic settings. As an experienced adult learning facilitator she has published four books and numerous articles and conference papers on learning and teaching. Much of this work concerns the use of simulation in learning and research.

Ten Factors Ensuring Success in Educational Systems According to PISA Author

Ten Factors Ensuring Success in Educational Systems According to PISA Author
On April 14, 2017, Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills at OECD, spoke at the XVIII April Conference at Higher School of Economics (HSE). In 1999, he invented the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), one of the biggest international comparative studies of education quality. His honorary lecture was dedicated to global trends in the transformation of national education systems.

China’s National Institute of Education Sciences and IOE to Cooperate on Long-term International Comparative Study

On April 12, IOE representatives held a meeting with a delegation from China’s National Institute of Education Sciences (NIES). The parties have shared their overall vision of cooperation prospects and made a series of specific project commitments.

Converting Russia’s Educational Potential into Capital

At ‘Crossroads and Prospects for the Development of Russian Education’, a special session held as part of the XVIII April Conference, experts discussed the section related to education from a recent report on the strategy of Russia’s development by the Centre for Strategic Research. Since investments in education have an effect after 15-20 years, participants analyzed development prospects up to 2035.

Russian Students in More Difficult Circumstances Improve Their Academic Performance

Russian Students in More Difficult Circumstances Improve Their Academic Performance
The International Symposium on Economics and Sociology of Education is being held on April 11-14 as part of the XVIII April Conference on Economic and Social Development. On April 11, experts discussed the dynamics of educational outcomes in Russia and beyond (based on data culled from international projects to monitor the quality of education) at a roundtable session organized by the World Bank.

IOE Researcher among Authors of International Publication on Instructional Design

An international team of education experts, including IOE researcher Oleg Podolskiy, has published a new textbook on Instructional Design and Technology.

Studying Inequality in Education

Martin Carnoy, Academic Supervisor of HSE International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis, will be presenting his report entitled 'Studying inequality in education: big data and small data approaches ' at the XVIII April International Academic Conference this week.

‘Promoting Transparent Multi-stakeholder Commitments at All Levels Is Central to Improving Equity & Inclusion’

On Wednesday, April 12, World Bank’s education economics expert Cristian Aedo will present at the XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development in a section addressing global experience and best practice in advancing national education systems. In an interview ahead of his presentation, Cristian spoke about the role of open and visionary multi-stakeholder cooperation in better tackling equity & inclusion agendas.