Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond


Routledge Published an Article by IoE Assistant Professor

The largest British academic publishing house “Routledge” has recently published a book, comprised by the articles written by expert international contributors, dubbed “Philosophical and Cultural Interpretations of Russian Modernisation”. One of its chapters was written by Assistant Professor of the Institute of Education Elena Minina. It is called “Post-Socialist Neoliberal? Education reform in Russia as a socially interpreted process”.

Language of Generations Project Wins 2016 KIvO Award

On September 12, the winner of the 2016 Innovation in Education (KIvO) award was announced at the EdCrunch International Conference on New Educational Technologies. Taking home the prize this year was The Language of Generations, a social project that pairs up senior citizens from Russia with foreign students who are learning Russian.

Monument to Anonymous Peer Reviewer to Be Erected at HSE

A group of HSE staff has launched a Kickstarter account to raise funds for an unusual project – a monument to an anonymous peer reviewer. If enough money is raised, the monument will be erected near the HSE Institute of Education.

Holland, a Country of Contrasts and Professionals

Simulation games involve the recreation of various situations within the framework of a specially designed environment. There are many different types of games, but most come in the form of computer simulations used in the fields of medicine, flight training, business, and politics. Simulation games are unique in that they are used mostly in practice; that is, they are constructed and only then is one able to see whether these constructions work or not. To learn how to take a scientific approach towards this topic, Natalia Isaeva, Junior Research Fellow and Doctoral student at the Institute of Education went to the Netherlands to study at Maastricht University.

Three HSE Educational Projects Receive Support of the European Commission

Funding through the European programme Erasmus+ will be allocated to the development of a Master’s programme in clinical linguistics, the organization of a summer school on institutional analysis, and the creation of Russia's first courses on education law.

'HSE is the Best Choice for Those Who Want to Carry out Research in Education'

Ivan Smirnov graduated from his master’s programme in Paris and hadn’t really considered coming back to Russia. But that was before he learned about the full-time advanced doctoral programme at HSE. The programme has some unique advantages among Russian programmes, which make it comparable to European PhDs.

Researchers from Various Countries to Collaborate on Eradicating Educational Inequality

The HSE Institute of Education has become a founding partner of the Institute for Global Educational Opportunity, an association of universities and research centres that study educational inequality. Representatives from Russia, the U.S., Germany, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Chili gathered in Washington to reach an agreement on joint annual conferences, publications, and research.

International Summer School on Educational Finance

The International Summer School on Educational Finance was held on July 3-10 in Beijing. The event was organized by HSE Institute of Education and the China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University (CIEFR). Questions of educational financing were considered in the context of globalization and assessing students’ educational achievements.

Education Innovators Face Experts and Pitch Sessions at KIvO

The summer session of the Competition for Innovators in Education (KIvO), organized by the Higher School of Economics, was recently held in Moscow. Over a four-day period and under the careful watch of respected experts, KIvO participants worked on and developed projects, which will be presented to potential investors at the International Conference on New Educational Technologies EdCruch, slated for September 12-14, 2016 in Moscow. 

Challenges of the Teaching Profession Disccused in HSE Journal

The second issue of Voprosy obrazovaniya/Educational Studies.Moscow has been recently released. The current issue features the following thematic section – Recruitment, Education and Retention of Teachers: Issues and Challenges in the Eastern/Central Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia.