Institute of Education

Research & Expertise to Make a Difference in Education & Beyond


The Campaign Against Bullying

The Campaign Against Bullying
Bullying is a problem that has plagued school-age education worldwide. Methods that stakeholders harness to alleviate bullying often fail to produce an effect as significant and lasting as originally expected or sometimes even further aggravate the state of affairs. Arthur Rean and Maria Novikova, experts at the IOE Laboratory for the Study of Adolescent Deviance, believe that effective and sustainable remedies for bullying invariably imply a comprehensive approach that proposes an increased policy emphasis on programs to counter adolescent aggression alongside more systemic and focused efforts by schools to foster reciprocity and supportive psychological climate. 

IOE to Push Frontiers of Cooperation with the World Bank

IOE to Push Frontiers of Cooperation with the World Bank
On August 22, HSE leaders, including the University Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov and Head of IOE Isak Froumin, met with Jaime Saavedra, Director of the World Bank's Education Global Practice.

Global Education Leaders Discuss Best Practices in Vocational Assessment at WorldSkills Kazan 2019

Global Education Leaders Discuss Best Practices in Vocational Assessment at WorldSkills Kazan 2019
Between August 22 and 27, Kazan, Russia is hosting the 45th WorldSkills international vocational championship that brings together over 1,300 young mid-skilled blue- and white-collar professionals from 63 countries who compete in 56 specializations. As part of WorldSkills Kazan 2019, a global Ministers of Education Summit was held last week where agency heads and top executives at the system level from more than 40 participant nations exchanged perspectives on key challenges and opportunities in deploying more robust frameworks for vocational monitoring and testing.

Sixth International Summer School on Applied Psychometrics Held at IOE

Sixth International Summer School on Applied Psychometrics Held at IOE
Between August 5 and 10, the Sixth International Summer School ‘Applied Psychometrics in Psychology and Education’ took place at IOE. 

IOE Further Develops Academic Exchange with Politecnico di Milano

IOE Further Develops Academic Exchange with Politecnico di Milano
As part of its exchange program with Politecnico di Milano, IOE will be welcoming a group of Italian students in Management Dell’Università MA in the coming fall of 2019 who will be taking an intensive two-day sojourn in Moscow beginning October 23. In turn, Russian students in IOE’s University Management MA will be traveling to Italy later this November to complete a series of program modules at Politecnico di Milano.

Transcending Disciplinary Realms in Exploring the Role of Education in Socioeconomic Development

Transcending Disciplinary Realms in Exploring the Role of Education in Socioeconomic Development
At IOE, we have ploughed more and more effort in recent years in expanding and invigorating the program of learning & networking that we offer early-career scholars from multiple corners of the globe and with diverse perspectives in educational research. Proudly inaugurated this year in association with the World Bank, the First International Summer School ‘The Role of Education in National and Regional Socioeconomic Development’ has become an enriching and timely addition to IOE’s summer academic agenda of 2019.

IOE Experts Present at European Congress of Psychology in Moscow

IOE Experts Present at European Congress of Psychology in Moscow
Moscow has recently welcomed a premier cohort of international experts in psychology and psychometrics representing OECD, other global organizations, national R&D hubs, etc. for the 16th European Congress of Psychology, one of the world’s most established academic venues to comprehensively tackle a diverse theoretical and applied agenda in the field. IOE scholars Tatjana Kanonire, Ekaterina Orel and Alena Kulikova took part in the Congress to contribute to the discussion of findings from the pilot stage in the large-scale international Study of Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) project that is spearheaded by OECD.

What Does Digital Future Hold for School Education?

What Does Digital Future Hold for School Education?
As the world is becoming more and more data-driven, how has the global boom in ICT been remolding the schooling realm and what are the key challenges and opportunities in making schools better prepared to get the most of digital innovation? These were among the key strands of networking and debate at this year’s International Summer School ‘Digital Environment and Inequality of Educational Opportunities’ that took place at IOE from June 30 to July 05.

Rethinking Human Capital for 21st Century Workplace and Socio-economic Growth

Rethinking Human Capital for 21st Century Workplace and Socio-economic Growth
From June 24 to 25, the University of Bologna, Italy, which is the very cradle of the European university tradition with its history spanning as far back as 1088, welcomed over 1,000 academics and institutional leaders from 70 countries for an international conference, Bologna Process Beyond 2020, that celebrated the 20th Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration. IOE experts Isak Froumin and Pavel Sorokin took part in the forum to present novel research insights into the role of education in building future-proof human capital for socio-economic growth.

American SemyonovAward Recipient to Look at Higher Education’s Relation to Civic Engagement in Russia

Radomir Mitic
Radomir ‘Ray’ Mitic just completed his PhD at New York University and will be joining the Council of Graduate Schools as a postdoctoral fellow this coming fall in Washington, D.C. This summer, he received an HSE SemyonovAward Research Internship to study civic engagement among Russian university students at the Institute of Education at HSE University. Last week, he participated in the International Summer School on Higher Education Research in St. Petersburg, and now he is conducting field research in Moscow. We spoke with Ray about his research, his impressions of the two Russian cities, and his future plans.